The Tech Startup

The Tech Startup DAKMOTION positioned itself in solving crucial challenges addressing current and future generations. 


These challenges are solvable by teaching young and future generations about cutting edge technologies and by developing them. 


To achieve that, DAKMOTION provides tech-education solutions as well as cutting-edge technologic solutions addressing RoboticsArtificial Intelligence and Electromobility


These solutions are classified into two groups of Products and Services: RobAiTronic and Cartronic EE.

The tech startup DAKMOTION is organized around the following values: SMARTNESS, PROGRESS and CARING.

These three terms highlight the pillars on which the startup is built.

SMARTNESS: we develop intelligent products tailored to our customers’ needs.

PROGRESS: Innovation is DAKMOTION’s credo, and our products are continually improved and perfected in line with the technological trends of our time.

CARING: Our products are developed with deep respect for the well-being of our people, the environment and the principles of sustainable development.