How to make Today's Young Learners, the Tomorrow High-Tech Pionners?
RobAiTronic brings you the Right Answer !

RobAiTronic = Robotics + Ai + ElecTronics

RobAiTronic offers an educational service that guides kids and young learners in building and programming smart Robots with AI (Artifiial Intelligence) capabilities using Electronic components; Thus explaining the name of our unique brand “RobAiTronic”

The Smart Alpha Car Kit (SAC)

The SAC 1.0 is a smart Robot Assembly Kit provided by DAKMOTION to young learners. Once built by a young learner, the SAC1.0 has the capability to move autonomously by avoid obstacles. The kit also contains an assembly and programming guiding the young learner through the whole journey. Our various RobAiTronic Services consit of building programming and understanding the SAC1.0. Interesting to purchase the SAC1.0 for your kid(s) or your student? Click on the button below to get in touch with us.

The RobAiTronic Basic Seminar

“RobAiTronic mit Lenni”, the Fastest way for your kid to build and program his/her own smart AI-capable Robot from Scratch.

Would you like your kid to make you proud by doing the same as Lenni, the 11-year-old boy from Munich (Germany) on the picture on the right side who built and programmed a smart AI-capable Robot?

During our RobAiTronic Basic Seminar, your child builds within only 3 hours, a smart Robot that belongs to him/her forever !

To get that special RobAiTronic Seminar Offer, secure your spot now by contacting us  via the button below.


To get more information about the detailed steps on how Lenni built DAKMOTION’s  Smart Alpha Car, subscribe to the youtube channel “RobaiTronic mit Lenni” by clicking on the button below

The RobAiTronic Explorer Courses

During our  RobAitronic Explorer Courses,  young learners deepen their practical knowledge on the smart AI-capable robot they built during the RobAitronic Basic Seminar.  They program their own smart AI-capable robot from scratch and understand hardware and software components making the Robot so smart. 

To get that special RobAiTronic Explorer Courses Offer, secure your spot now by contacting us  via the button below.

The RobAiTronic Inventor Courses

With our RobAitronic Inventor Courses, young  learners get  fundamental technical skills to build and program from scratch their own smart AI-capable Robot exactly doing what they want. These courses are the ultimate courses giving young learners the right assets to invent their own smart AI-capable robots from scratch. 

To get that special RobAiTronic Inventor Courses Offer, secure your spot now by contacting us  via the button below.

The RobAiTronic Certification

Even professionnals and university students can take the advantage of DAKMOTION RobAiTronic Service.

That is the purpose of the RobAitronic Certification offering applicants the fundamental technical skills to invent their own smart AI-capable Robots; And this within only 30 hours.

The RobAitronic Certification particularily equip learners with programming skills enabling them to learn any kind of programming language; Thus making them extremely attractive on the job market in IT fields.


To get that special Exclusive RobAiTronic Certification Offer, secure your spot now by contacting us  via the button below.

The RobAiTronic Curriculum for Schools and Universities

The RobAiTronic Basic, Explorer and Inventor Courses are suitable as valuable educational content for universities as well as high schools willing to equip their students with the right technical skillset making them ready to satisfy the current demand of the job market in cutting edge technologies.

You are a school or a university willing to make your today’s students, the tomorrow high-tech pioneers, please get in touch with us by clicking the button below to get more information and to get the right RobAiTronic curriculum tailored for YOU.