
Our Activities

 DAKMOTION is involved in several impacting activities coping with the company’s values. A bunch of initiatives have been taken in order to reach the highest possible number of people susceptible to take the advantage of DAKMOTION’s know-how.

RobAiTronic mit Lenni

Lenni is an 11-year-old boy from Munich (Germany). He managed to build and program the intelligent robot from the startup DAKMOTION with AI capabilities. Would you like to find out more about how Lenni did it?

The mini-series “RobAiTroni mit Lenni” shows exactly how he proceeded step by step to build and program the robot in question.

The second episode shows more details about the electronic components of the robot that he discovers.

Do you want to know more about it? Subscribe to our channel “RobAiTronic mit Lenni” and  you don’t miss the next episodes.

SIRA : Salon International de Robotique Autonome

Another milestone for tech startup DAKMOTION, whose RobAiTronic solution won the Best Innovation Award at the Salon Internationale de Robotique Autonome (SIRA), held from February 22 to 24 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Many thanks to the SIRA organizing committee, namely UISTAM, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, the UNESCO Chair and all those who contributed to the event from near and far! 

To get some additional insights about what DAKMOTION did at the SIRA, click the button bellow. 



Another RobAiTronic Success Story

Her name is Assia, a 10-year old French-Ivorian girl living in Ivory Coast. In less than an hour, she has managed to assemble the Smart Alpha Car 1.0, a Mobile Obstacle Avoidance Robot whose parts are designed by tech startup DAKMOTION.

If you’re a school, organization, learning center or laboratory looking to position yourself strategically in Robotics and AI tech-education, DAKMOTION’s RobAiTronic service provides you with the tools, hardware, software and didactics you need to achieve your goal.


Click the button below to get more insights into this success story.


TURBO-IA is a Robotics and Artificial Intelligent Tournament organized in Ivory Coast. 

It is part of a trilateral collaboration agreement between tech startup DAKMOTION, the ELIT association and UVCI (Université Virtuelle de Côte d’Ivoire).
The main aims of this initiative are

  • The popularization and development in Africa and by Africans, of technologies that will revolutionize our world tomorrow and meet the demands of our local realities.
  • To establish Côte d’Ivoire as a technology hub for innovative technologies in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, initially in the West African sub-region and subsequently across the entire African continent.

Click the button below to get more insights into the tournament. 

The information about this national event has been published in famous newspapers such “”. Click the button below to get nore insights into the press article about the tournament.